This website has been created to demonstrate the cyber security game called Riskio which has been created as part of a PhD in Cyber Security at University of Southampton.
This website has been created to demonstrate the cyber security game called Riskio which has been created as part of a PhD in Cyber Security at University of Southampton.
Feedback from playing Riskio with students they wanted a random selection for STRIDE threat category. This can be done by using this game board and a dice numbered 1 to 6, to select the STRIDE threat category, by square you land on. Click to download a copy.
Same game board as alternative version 1 with the six stride categories colour coded. Note the numbers on the board are to enable alternative rules for example must compromise all 10 locations to win the game. Click to download a copy.
To add more game like elements can create the outside ring of Game Tiles. Can change the game rules to allow players to move around the board or collect tokens, see alternative game play. Click to download a copy of tiles.
This game board has possible locations vulnerabilities mapped with STRIDE category. This could be used for players as an aid or for the games master supported with notes of list of possible attacks for all locations on the game board. Click to download a copy.