This website has been created to demonstrate the cyber security game called Riskio which has been created as part of a PhD in Cyber Security at University of Southampton.
This website has been created to demonstrate the cyber security game called Riskio which has been created as part of a PhD in Cyber Security at University of Southampton.
STRIDE Threat modeling is a core element of the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). SDL uses STRIDE which is a methodology to identify threats, attacks, vulnerabilities, and countermeasures that could affect your application during software development to save on costs on fixing faults later in the development cycle.
The STRIDE model is based categorizes different types of threats into six categories: Spoofing, Tampering, Repudiation, Information Disclosure, Denial of Service and Elevation of Privilege.
Update on 20th anniversary of the first publication of the STRIDE Model. Starting at 23:23 minutes into video but good to watch complete video.
Threat Modeling
Adam Shostack book is very good resource if you want more background on threat modeling